Top Ideas

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    Share menu for Backup export

    Nayelianne · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    Curently backups are saved in hard to access directories, and involve connecting to a computer to transfer them between devices.

    Having an option to export the backup through the device's share menu (like send to mail, send to Telegram, etc, or simply to save the file to a place of your choice) like many other apps do, would make it a lot easier when using multiple devices.

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    Update from Xamarin to MAUI

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Not something I want to do, but something I have to do, since Microsoft is dropping support for Xamarin...

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    Better support for Jinmeiyou kanji

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    A handful of jinmeiyou kanji aren't used in any actual words (making them not currently supported). And a lot of the ones that are are so rare we shouldn't be using them as prompts.  It'd be better to use names for prompts instead, the way they're actually used.

    Some examples: 燿藥覽偖凭剌哥嗽嘸嚏囀嫋屹掏捩焜犇皰稍窶綽罅聊臘蜀齎跣踉蹌軈閊靨鞦韆飩饂暝

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    Sort by Number of Strokes

    kaizokunokazoku · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    It would be super helpful if in the Custom Review screen it were possible to sort by the number of strokes in each Kanji.

    My usual approach to learning new Kanji is to browse for any Kanji that are made up components I've already learned but currently this involves a lot of scrolling and a lot of missed possibilities. If it were possible to sort by the number of strokes in the Custom Review screen it would pretty much guarantee that any new Kanji I pick is either made of components I already know or something irreducible that I will

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    Multiple Device Sync Support

    Andy · 0 · Posted

    This has previously been requested but I think has been misunderstood on what's being asked. While your app does automatically back up it's progress from a database perspective, it does not currently share this database across separate devices. This is something that needs to be explicitly setup.  As an example, I currently have your app running on both an iPhone and an iPad. Any progress made on the iPhone is not actively synchronized to the app instance on the iPad. The cloud sync that you currently have is simply maintaining a backup of the app in the case of needing

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    Additional lesson plan/book source : Nihongo Soumatome

    Pafikapi · 0 · Posted

    Hi, I use Nihongo Soumatome as my main textbook for Kanji and others. It would be helpful if you can add lesson plan based on this book. Thank you!

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    Find some more common hyougai kanji

    BlueRaja · 2 · Last reply by thecrackstreetboys

    According to this question, the word 朦朧 is fairly common, but neither kanji is included in Ringotan.  It seems neither the word nor kanji are listed as common in our dictionaries, but ロス先生 confirmed that it is.  So, let's find more data sources that include this information.

    Apparently JPDB lists it as common. Where do they get their information from?

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    Under Review

    Integrate Hockeyapp

    BlueRaja · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    For crash-reporting/feedback/user metrics

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    Show graph on review screen

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    todo: Figure out how to best represent learning progress using a graph

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    Separate "after studying" screen

    BlueRaja · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    Right now after studying it goes straight back to the review screen.  It would be nice to instead see a new screen showing what you learned during the lesson and how you improved (or not!)

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    Write press release

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted


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    Show amount of time is between each level

    anonymized · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    It would be great to know how long it takes a kanji to go from Aka-chan to sensei. I found I had a bunch them at Tensai and I was wondering for what felt like a long time, "how long will it be before these show up again?"

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    Let users know hints are only shown while learning

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    I've had multiple comments that users were turned off by how daunting the review can look when lots of start/end points are shown. I should make it more clear that these are only hints that are shown while learning, and are not shown while reviewing (unless you get the answer wrong).

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    Adding a space for inputting your own mnemonics

    Brian in Fukuoka · 0 · Posted

    Adding a space for inputting your own mnemonics (or copying and pasting from, for example, wanikani).

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    Warn users using gesture navigation

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Gesture navigation (introduced in Android 10) breaks all drawing apps that use the full width of the screen, as far as I can tell.

    We should check if the setting is enabled, and if so, show a warning.

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