Top Ideas

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    Support for Custom Kanji Decks

    Alden Geipel · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    Please consider adding an option to add custom kanji decks rather than only providing the preset decks to study from. I would like to be able to export kanji learned through through their api and be able to study them in Ringotan. Ideally, this import would be done automatically by interfacing with a Ringotan api but any functionality for custom decks would be extremely useful. If there isn't a planned api for Ringotan, a simple interface where the user would paste all kanji to be included in the custom deck would work. Alternatively, Ringotan could read from a text

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    Show radicals for kanji in different colors

    BlueRaja · 2 · Last reply by Rhema Ossai

    Add an option to display the radicals for each Kanji in different colors

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    Show user handwriting on top of the example after completing a question

    Anon User · 0 · Posted

    Sometimes it's really hard to tell if your completed answer has any small visual mistakes, even if you've successfully passed the question. (Optionally) showing the completed user kanji drawing after a successful question would really help with improving the last few inaccuracies I run into when handwriting.

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    Include way to edit kanji in custom review screen

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Eg. should be able to select a bunch at once and marked them as "known" or "unknown"

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    Option to retry a kanji on bad input

    easynam · 3 · Last reply by kaizokunokazoku

    Sometimes, I get a kanji wrong because i accidentally tap the screen somewhere before i even start drawing, etc. In cases like that, it would be good if I could:

     - mark as a flubbed input

     - retry without recording a success or failure, and without revealing the kanji (as this would tell me the answer)

    Currently, the only option when this happens is to mark the answer as incorrect, as the fact that i can see the kanji and didn’t draw it means i can’t just assume i’d have gotten it right.

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    Ability to review ahead even when no reviews are due

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Currently it's only possible to review ahead if there's at least one review due.  The user does that review, and is then asked if they'd like to continue with reviews that aren't due.

    They should have this ability even if there are no reviews overdue.

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    sync support

    airblaster · 6 · Last reply by Emilia


    I'm wondering if sync support (icloud or any other way) is a planned feature.

    I'm considering buying an iPad with an Apple Pencil for more precise drawing, but I would still want to sync the progress with my iPhone since I take it with me much more often.

    I tried an Adonit Dash 4 active pencil on my iPhone but up to 5% of the strokes aren't accurately detected which is pretty annoying for the Ringotan usecase.

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    Add option to send notifications

    BlueRaja · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    to remind user to do reviews

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    Option to see our FULL handwriting while drawing

    Nayelianne · 0 · Posted

    I'm not sure if it's a bug but currently even with the snap feature disabled our own line is visually replaced at every stroke, rather than only when we go off the mark. Worst of all, after getting it correctly there's no way to compare our own full written character to what the correct one was (seeing an animation of the original vs your drawing can be quite eye opening).

    So what's been happening is that some times I have the feeling I'm not being totally accurate but can't really tell because as soon as I lift my pencil my

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    Add a way to save the list of learned kanji on the clipboard

    Laynor · 3 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    First, would like to thank you for Ringotan, I'm using it daily and it's helping me a lot! Best part is I'm not getting tired of it and I'm keeping my efforts ^^

    I use Satori reader, and I want to hide the furigana for the kanji that I learned on Ringotan.

    It would be enough to copy the list on the clipboard for further editing maybe in some notepad app.

    Another possibility is saving some file in an easily accessible location. In the case of iOS, something that can be accessed with the Files app would be best. But

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    Start by Prompting Without Hints

    sanaxoh946 · 1 · Last reply by sanaxoh946

    It would be nice to have an option to start by directly prompting a kanji with an empty canvas, and only going through the learning steps if we mess up on the first encounter.

    For people that already learnt kanji by recognition (which should be a majority), this would speed up the learning process tremendously, especially for the simpler kanji.

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    Don't snap drawing to kanji

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Need to figure out a way to do this without a bad user experience. Idea: Add new options for "fail immediately" and "default success state"

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    Support for more kana, and romaji for kanji pronunciations

    Ajbjc · 0 · Posted

    It covers the basic hiragana and katakana which is good, but it doesn't cover voiced syllables, i.e. going from ka to ga. It would be useful having them all in one place instead using this app for the basic ones and elsewhere for the others. Would it also be worth adding the smaller versions as well? Even though they're the same, getting the size right would be important too, especially to be able to write つ and っ properly so they're differentiable for example.

    Also, would be nice to see romaji added to kanji pronunciations as well, especially since it

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    "Custom Review" should be in random order

    BlueRaja · 1 · Last reply by Jeanpatiri500

    When reviewing the items in custom review, the order should be randomized

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    Make a comprehensive kanji lesson

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Currently, no lesson contains every kanji supported by Ringotan.  We should create one that does.

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    Add support for ryakuji

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Not sure if kanjivg supports these, but could just add the most common ones manually