New Ideas

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    Show Kanji in Example Compounds

    Poorvi Acharya · 0 · Posted

    Right now, the app displays example compounds entirely in hiragana. For example, if I’m learning 緯, it shows けいい (details) and いど (latitude).

    I think it would be much more useful if the compounds were written in kanji while omitting the character being studied. For example:

    • Instead of けいい, display 経?
    • Instead of いど, display ?度

    This way, we can see how the kanji is actually used in real words rather than just memorizing the hiragana reading. Furigana could also be included on top for reading support.

    Here is a sample image of what this (could) look like, though there's

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    Better reviewing when fsiled

    Ajbjc · 2 · Last reply by Ajbjc

    The main problems I have with reviewing a kanji is that if I forget what the kanji looks like and therefore fail, it immediately goes to the step with the green dots where it feels like it's wasting my time. I already know where the start points are, and you either have to do that just to eventually do it without any guide on screen or mark it as "just learned" to skip it to the next day. Maybe it could be a toggle in the settings that it doesn't immediately go back to the one with the green dots,

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    Radicals deck

    Martens Langiewicz · 0 · Posted

    I'd love to have a kanji radicals deck to include in my learning.

    I'd make it so much easier and faster for me to memorise more complex kanji (Heisig style ;) ).

    I passed N3 years ago, and now coming back to relearn kanji, I found out I'm much better at relearning kanji I had the radicals memorised for the first time.

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    Account system e-mail/pass login OR facebook-google options

    Litwickclub · 0 · Posted

    I suggest making an account system, a simple one to log-in via e-mail and pass.

    Since ringotan will become paid figure something out so only one free account per ip for example or something and so on.. This will help save progress if a device is lost.

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    Custom study: Sort by Last Failed (time)

    Jeanpatiri500 · 0 · Posted

    Please consider adding a Sort by Last Failed search option. This would be very useful to me and probably many other people to be able to grind the Kanjis we struggled with.

    For now I'm using the "Most Difficult First" which is also useful, but in some sessions/some cases, Sort by Last Failed would be even more useful. (Both are very useful in different situations)

    Thanks in advance! Your app has been of a great help to me so far, I'm grinding my kanji writing skills as this is required for the language school I will be joining in April

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    Dakuten und Handakuten

    A · 0 · Posted

    Hi, Is there a way to practice hiragana and katana with dakuten (and handakuten). Sometimes, it is easy to learn having some writing experience. Thank for the awesome and practical app!

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    Make a comprehensive kanji lesson

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Currently, no lesson contains every kanji supported by Ringotan.  We should create one that does.

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    Find some more common hyougai kanji

    BlueRaja · 2 · Last reply by thecrackstreetboys

    According to this question, the word 朦朧 is fairly common, but neither kanji is included in Ringotan.  It seems neither the word nor kanji are listed as common in our dictionaries, but ロス先生 confirmed that it is.  So, let's find more data sources that include this information.

    Apparently JPDB lists it as common. Where do they get their information from?

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    Recommend books that you can read with the kanji you know.

    Joshua · 0 · Posted

    This is probably a moonshot, but imagine this: I am studying 200 kanji. I want to practice reading those kanji. Ringotan knows what kanji I am studying and maybe connects to a db somewhere that stores all the vocab for various books. It then recommends books that use kanji only up to the point I have studied kanji.

    Conversely, we could select books we want to be able to read, and ringotan would make a custom review of all the kanji therein that we need to know.

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    Allow us to view a list of which Kanji are at aka-chan, gakusei, senpai, tensai, and sensei levels.

    Joshua · 0 · Posted

    There are a lot of Kanji I haven't seen for a while, guessing they are all at sensei level. Would like to be able to see them to verify I recall what they are. 

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    Additional lesson plan/book source : Nihongo Soumatome

    Pafikapi · 0 · Posted

    Hi, I use Nihongo Soumatome as my main textbook for Kanji and others. It would be helpful if you can add lesson plan based on this book. Thank you!

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    "Custom Review" should be in random order

    BlueRaja · 1 · Last reply by Jeanpatiri500

    When reviewing the items in custom review, the order should be randomized

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    Please add support for British GCSE Japanese

    Hugo Dessoy18 · 0 · Posted

    Some schools in the UK offer Japanese as a subject for GCSE, it would be very useful if there was a choice to arrange the kanji in GCSE order

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    Multiple Device Sync Support

    Andy · 0 · Posted

    This has previously been requested but I think has been misunderstood on what's being asked. While your app does automatically back up it's progress from a database perspective, it does not currently share this database across separate devices. This is something that needs to be explicitly setup.  As an example, I currently have your app running on both an iPhone and an iPad. Any progress made on the iPhone is not actively synchronized to the app instance on the iPad. The cloud sync that you currently have is simply maintaining a backup of the app in the case of needing

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    Custom study for Sensei-level kanjis

    biri · 0 · Posted

    Is it possible to add an option to custom study only kanjis you've reached Sensei level on? Similar to WaniKani that has an option to study all your Burned kanji randomly. Also, as a follow up, what exactly reaching Sensei means? Do they still come back to reviews after some time?

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    Vacation Mode

    Rock · 0 · Posted

    How about a vacation mode? Ideally it would work in a way that would freeze all scheduled reviews rather just just push the "vacation" days back and then have them all hit at the same time.

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    Support for more kana, and romaji for kanji pronunciations

    Ajbjc · 0 · Posted

    It covers the basic hiragana and katakana which is good, but it doesn't cover voiced syllables, i.e. going from ka to ga. It would be useful having them all in one place instead using this app for the basic ones and elsewhere for the others. Would it also be worth adding the smaller versions as well? Even though they're the same, getting the size right would be important too, especially to be able to write つ and っ properly so they're differentiable for example.

    Also, would be nice to see romaji added to kanji pronunciations as well, especially since it

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    Support for multiple decks

    Charlie · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    Hi, would it be possible to support learning from multiple decks at the same time? For example, I want to learn both the kanji from Tobira and Quartet at the same time.

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    Able to set which hour new kanji should refresh

    Tacobaguette · 1 · Last reply by Tacobaguette

    At the moment I'm using the "limit new kanji per day" feature set to 3 per 1 day, however, the "day" resets at 10pm which makes me involuntarily skip some days, and then have 0 new kanji to learn next day. Due to the refresh timing I end up doing some day's kanji the night before.

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    Sort by Number of Strokes

    kaizokunokazoku · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    It would be super helpful if in the Custom Review screen it were possible to sort by the number of strokes in each Kanji.

    My usual approach to learning new Kanji is to browse for any Kanji that are made up components I've already learned but currently this involves a lot of scrolling and a lot of missed possibilities. If it were possible to sort by the number of strokes in the Custom Review screen it would pretty much guarantee that any new Kanji I pick is either made of components I already know or something irreducible that I will