Horizontal layout looks horrible
The layout when rotating the phone looks horrible. Create a new layout, or prevent rotation.
Date last attempted not updating
Finished a review, missing several kanji. In the next review, first kanji was the same as the last kanji from the previous one!
Crash when leaving app open then relaunching
Repro steps: 1. Launch app 2. Hit 'back' button 3. Launch app again from app launcher icon App crashes
[ios] Ringotan disabling background audio
According to DynamiteGazelle on Reddit, Ringotan disables music that's playing in the background when it plays audio. It should not do that.
[ios] Definition popup showing next kanji for one frame
Reported as a comment here
Only blank field, not able to Draw kanji
Hello, i have the following Problem: when i Start a Lessons, it only Shows me the grid/field, but im Not able to Draw in it and j also Dont See the lines. Im using the samung Galaxy S10+.
Crash after completing lesson
One user reported that Ringotan crashed after completing a lesson.
Samsung J3, Android 5.1.1
pixel 3 : pressing study freeze the app
Whenever I click on the study button, it takes me to the lesson view with the start button but the app freeze and I have to kill it to restart it.
Kanji not centered on the drawing box
This is noticeable on both mobile (set on 100% test area size) and tablet (50% area size). Some strokes would even go a few pixels beyond the box.
Stuck at loading screen
Hi, After the new update, when I clicked "Study" button I get stuck in loading screen forever. I tried resetting app, importing data, starting from zero, turning on and off tutorial but nothing worked so far.
Just one little note; when I reset the app I was able to study from zero for once but when I finished it, I couldn't continue with second lesson. Stucked again.
Is there any where that I can download previous version?
OS: Android 9
Phone: Alcatel 3
More flexibility in default word choice per kanji
For example, for 図 I get two word prompts with the option to scroll for more. But I can only ever set the word on the left (図書館, 図, or 図書). I can't set 意図, 図る, or 地図 as my default word that serves as the prompt. This happens for every word.
It would greater to be able to choose those other words!
[Android] Definition popup showing next kanji for one frame
Doesn't happen on iOS, didn't happen prior to 0.20 update to iOS. wtf!?