Hot Ideas

  • 2

    Sort by Number of Strokes

    kaizokunokazoku · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    It would be super helpful if in the Custom Review screen it were possible to sort by the number of strokes in each Kanji.

    My usual approach to learning new Kanji is to browse for any Kanji that are made up components I've already learned but currently this involves a lot of scrolling and a lot of missed possibilities. If it were possible to sort by the number of strokes in the Custom Review screen it would pretty much guarantee that any new Kanji I pick is either made of components I already know or something irreducible that I will

  • 7

    Show user handwriting on top of the example after completing a question

    Anon User · 0 · Posted

    Sometimes it's really hard to tell if your completed answer has any small visual mistakes, even if you've successfully passed the question. (Optionally) showing the completed user kanji drawing after a successful question would really help with improving the last few inaccuracies I run into when handwriting.

  • 12

    Support for Custom Kanji Decks

    Alden Geipel · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    Please consider adding an option to add custom kanji decks rather than only providing the preset decks to study from. I would like to be able to export kanji learned through through their api and be able to study them in Ringotan. Ideally, this import would be done automatically by interfacing with a Ringotan api but any functionality for custom decks would be extremely useful. If there isn't a planned api for Ringotan, a simple interface where the user would paste all kanji to be included in the custom deck would work. Alternatively, Ringotan could read from a text