Hot Ideas

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    Show Kanji in Example Compounds

    Poorvi Acharya · 0 · Posted

    Right now, the app displays example compounds entirely in hiragana. For example, if I’m learning 緯, it shows けいい (details) and いど (latitude).

    I think it would be much more useful if the compounds were written in kanji while omitting the character being studied. For example:

    • Instead of けいい, display 経?
    • Instead of いど, display ?度

    This way, we can see how the kanji is actually used in real words rather than just memorizing the hiragana reading. Furigana could also be included on top for reading support.

    Here is a sample image of what this (could) look like, though there's

  • 3

    "Custom Review" should be in random order

    BlueRaja · 1 · Last reply by Jeanpatiri500

    When reviewing the items in custom review, the order should be randomized