狼 not being added to lesson list
See backup on phone. Even though it's next on my list (and preventing me from "completing" level 14), it's not being added as the next kanji to study.
[ios] First stroke seems to be too sensitive
Sometimes it looks like I should be starting close enough to the first stoke, but it fails anyways. I think this is only an issue on iPhone. Probably something to do with screwing up the pixel density calculation.
Sound effects much louder than pronunciations
Oops, shouldn't have normalized them I guess
App crashes on android when trying to review after latest update
android adb logs is telling me some audio files are missing
java.io.FileNotFoundException: Audio/text-to-speech/kanji/N566RZEK.mp3
Sometimes clicking "change answer" doesn't work
Need to make hitbox much larger
かわいいい listed as first word for 愛
With three いいい. Is that really correct??
Some katakana missing?
Am I going crazy? These definitely used to be there, right?
[iOS] Drawing lines sometimes not working
Sometimes lines aren't captured even if you have drawn them for sure.
E.g. since I just started using Ringoton one of the new characters is 才.
The third stroke is never being accepted, the thin black line only goes from the bottom left to about 1/5 of the total length of the stroke. I've tried this about five times, always with the same result.
I've had occasional problems with detection of the drawn line on other characters too, but not like this.
Option to reveal answer after drawing
Currently Ringotan basically reveals the answer already while drawing the kanji.
While this looks really cool, it has a few downsides:
- the user is influenced and draws the kanji differently than if he had not known part of the answer
- the user doesn't see what he drew exactly
- due to that the opportunities to learn how to draw the character more exactly are lost
Since Ringotan already supports stroke-by-stroke detection of whether the kanji was drawn correctly I suggest to add a new option "reveal answer" which can be set to "while drawing" (current behavior) or "after drawing"
The "after
Green bar should be completely green after review
Need that sweet dopamine release
The option to give a donation is missing.
Hi, i really like the app and i want to give something back for the great work. But there is no way to do that. Is it a bug or a feature?
pronounciations do not play in silent mode w/o AirPods connected
First of all, thanks for the great app, i'll donate via github, it's a great piece of software.
One complaint: these days many people keep their phones in silent mode, and so far most language-learning apps I've tested are able to circumvent silent mode for pronunciations. With Ringotan however this works with Airpods, but without Airpods I have to disable silent mode in order to hear sounds, which is a tiny, but still a hurdle, especially annoying when I forget to switch silent mode back on, as Ringotan is pretty much the only app that requires disabling it. Please