App crashes as I start reviewing
Hello Mr. Blueraja,
I have started using this app from last one month. Previously it was running smoothly but from yesterday it started to crash as I start reviewing.
[ios] Notch covers up kanji definition
When the phone has a notch, it covers the kanji definition. Need to detect that case and move it up a bit.
BKB vol 1 mistake
I just noticed a mistake I made in https://ringotan.helprace.com/i387-basic-kanji-book-bonjinsha-support.
In chapter 12, I transcribed 曇 but it should have been 雲.
Order of presentation does not match chosen textbook
I am using the japanese for busy people textbook, but the order in which the kanji are presented does not match the order in the textbook. Do I misunderstand something?
When I search for kanji by chapter there is no relation that I can see between what is in the book, and what I am permitted to choose.
— Dave
App crashes when attempting to import a backup on Android 13
Tapping the Import Backup option in the settings page shows the default backup location dialog as expected, but tapping OK from here causes the app to crash. Tapping elsewhere on the screen or tapping the Android back button also causes the crash.
Observed on Android 13 on a Pixel 7 Pro.
"What's new" popup appear everty time I open the app
Every time I open the app, the popup "whats' new in v0.22 beta?" appears.
It should only appear the first time a new version is installed, after that it should aknowledge we saw it and not show it again.
[iOS] Kanji meaning covered on notch phones
The meaning of the Kanji is covered by the system bottom line when the phone has a notch in iOS (iPhone X, and newer phones)
App crashes when trying to import backup
I started on a Galaxy S10E but need to start using and iPad Air 2 (Ver 15.5). After I select the file, type yes, then select "Import", it crashes.
Custom review throwing me out to the Main screen
Hi. First of all thanks for the app, I was looking for EXACTLY that, KKLC order drawing practice app and found it! The fact that it's free and ad-free makes it even more amazing, I hope it stays this way...
Now to the issue: I've tried custom review and drew few characters using a generic capacitive stylus on my Android phone. What happens is if I make a left-to-right stroke too quickly it just kicks me back to the main screen. I think if I draw slowly that doesn't happen...
Looks like a bug to me I can't tell for
[Android] Disable back-swipe navigation on drawing screen
In this issue, the user was having an issue where swiping from the left side of the screen went back. This is caused by Android 10's swipe-navigation feature.
This can apparently be disabled on a per-screen basis. See here.
"Custom Review" screen is super slow on "Grade" setting
I should probably make sure not to include more than 50-100 items per chapter.
Sometimes wrong definition is remembered
Definition for 裕 was set to 富裕 but I never set it to that. I got it wrong the first time, but then right after that. I had set it to the correct definition (can't remember if I did that immediately or on the retry), but when it came up for the last time it was the wrong definition again.
Minna no nihongo book 2
Hi everyone and thank you for the amazing app. I studied Japanese with the minna no nihongo textbook, the newest edition, and I noticed that in the app, the kanji section related to that book, starting from unit 26, have different kanji (some kanji are in different units, some others are completely missing). So, to sum up, up to unit 25 everything’s perfect, from unit 26 to 50 is kinda of a mess. I have the book in the original paper format, how can I help you to fix it? I’ll gladly do it. I can provide pics of the
Practice for 心 shows incorrect strokes
I'm learning 心 but the app is asking me to draw something else.
Ringotan main screen is not shown completely on a square screen
I have a phone with square screen. The initial screen with the tomato, and the study screen for reviews don't show completely. The study screen clearly cuts in half the 'review only' button, but for the tomato screen I'm guessing what is hidden is a custom study button, but I couldn't find a screenshot to compare
演説 audio plays twice
Consistently happening in v0.22, when testing for 説
It wasn't the first kanji in session.
When IPhone is in dark mode, text turns white on a white background (-> becomes unreadable)
I just picked up this app due to finding a post about it on reddit, looking for something to help me learn the stroke order of kana because I learn best by writing them. Immediately upon starting my first lesson, I got a pop up saying "Tutorial: Hiragana." However, the text was nearly unreadable. It was white on a white background. I thought it might be an issue with my brightness settings etc. and discovered that after turning off dark mode, the text became black and I could read it. This is a temporary fix but I'd like to not