Top Topics

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    Allow us to view a list of which Kanji are at aka-chan, gakusei, senpai, tensai, and sensei levels.

    Joshua · 0 · Posted

    There are a lot of Kanji I haven't seen for a while, guessing they are all at sensei level. Would like to be able to see them to verify I recall what they are. 

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    倒 stroke order detection is incorrect

    Jae An · 0 · Posted

    The third stroke of 倒's start and end are shown correctly (the < like stroke), however it will be marked as incorrect if you do not write it the opposite way it is shown.

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    A way to see "additional kanji" not present in the current learning mode?

    thecrackstreetboys · 0 · Posted

    I want to keep my settings to give me new kanji as soon as I burn them in WaniKani, but I'm also adding kanji in myself and these often aren't in the WK set. I have to go to settings, change the mode, review the kanji, go back to srttings, and swap it back to WK mode again. Shouldn't it be possible to find all the kanji in the app no matter which mode you're in? And just in case: you do continue reviewing kanji that aren't in the learning mode you're currently in, right? 

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    "Limit Kanji Per Day" not allows entering decimal number

    NightDice · 2 · Last reply by NightDice

    In the days field of "Set Daily New Kanji Limit" (when tapping on the enabled "Limit Kanji Per Day" option) I cannot enter decimal numbers.

    I cannot enter a point "." to get for example 0.5 days (it just does not enter the point when tapping "." on the phone keyboard) and when I use a comma "," instead, it registers the number as if the comma was not present, e. g. entering "1,5" changes it to 15 days.

    Since the default value was 0.5 days I know decimal numbers should be possible. But after changing to an integer I

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    Please add support for British GCSE Japanese

    Hugo Dessoy18 · 0 · Posted

    Some schools in the UK offer Japanese as a subject for GCSE, it would be very useful if there was a choice to arrange the kanji in GCSE order

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    Custom study for Sensei-level kanjis

    biri · 0 · Posted

    Is it possible to add an option to custom study only kanjis you've reached Sensei level on? Similar to WaniKani that has an option to study all your Burned kanji randomly. Also, as a follow up, what exactly reaching Sensei means? Do they still come back to reviews after some time?

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    Kanji in Context missing kanji

    Totsigots · 0 · Posted

    Currently Ringotan goes up to around 1950 kanji using the Kanji in Context textbook. I'd like to see the rest of the kanji from the book be uploaded to the app. 

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    Vacation Mode

    Rock · 0 · Posted

    How about a vacation mode? Ideally it would work in a way that would freeze all scheduled reviews rather just just push the "vacation" days back and then have them all hit at the same time.

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    Audio balancing and levels

    Ajbjc · 0 · Posted

    I noticed that some pronunciations, such as for "ri" are very quiet compared to other pronunciations. Also, for the more audible pronunciations, it's still a bit quiet and have to put my volume to almost 3/4 max to be able to hear most of them. Would it be possible to balance the audio so they're all the same volume, and make them all louder so they're more audible at lower volumes?

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    Is there a way to get a list of the kanji that are at the different stats levels?

    Kevin Mitchell · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    I'd like to take the kanji that I know pretty well, and update the list of kanji in Satori Reader, so that it displays kanji according to my knowledge. Even being able to copy the kanji by level would be a help. Thanks!

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    Support for multiple decks

    Charlie · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    Hi, would it be possible to support learning from multiple decks at the same time? For example, I want to learn both the kanji from Tobira and Quartet at the same time.

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    郵 display issue on words

    Hayden Bye · 0 · Posted

    The last two words on 郵 not displayed properly. See screen shot that Kanji are hidden by English translations.

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    Able to set which hour new kanji should refresh

    Tacobaguette · 1 · Last reply by Tacobaguette

    At the moment I'm using the "limit new kanji per day" feature set to 3 per 1 day, however, the "day" resets at 10pm which makes me involuntarily skip some days, and then have 0 new kanji to learn next day. Due to the refresh timing I end up doing some day's kanji the night before.

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    Show "No results found" in Custom Review

    BlueRaja · 0 · Posted

    Right now, when no results are found, it says nothing.

    We should add icon + "no results found" + "clear filters"

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    鹿 graphical bug

    kaizokunokazoku · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    The third stroke of 鹿 seems to self-intersect or something. Doesn't have any effect on the ability to draw the Kanji though.

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    Any chance of considering changing the apple graphic on the main page?

    Si · 1 · Last reply by kaizokunokazoku

    I was hoping to find an address to e-mail the team at to ask this so I hope this doesn't feel too mean-spirited to say publicly. I've enjoyed using this app so far, it's an incredibly useful tool, but the apple on the main page unsettles me greatly. While I don't doubt love was put into its design, something about it's small pupils and wide-set smile give the impression it wishes to do me harm (as I'm typing this I have the app open to my side and I've just seen it switch to its angry expression for the first

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    Error for hirigana in kanji 否

    Hayden Bye · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    For 否 in the example for no it shows the hirigana ひ instead of いいえ. However it is still pronounced in the audio as  いいえ.  


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    Stroke Detection is too strict for middle vertical stroke of 木

    Hayden Bye · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    In the base kanji 木 the middle vertical stroke is quite strict. This also occurs when it is a component. If the stroke is done fast it sometimes registers it as not crossing into the second quadrant and marks it wrong. 

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    Missing Katakana Kanji for ヲ in the custom review page.

    Ed · 2 · Last reply by Ed


    i have been using ringotan as a drill app and to learn kanji at my own pace using the custom review. 

    Noticed that there is 1 missing kanji in the Katakana section.

    My lesson plan is JLPT.

    Possible to get a fix for this?

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    輿 has wrong audio

    Anon · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    Audio for first word of kanji 輿 is かご but should be こし