
Marugoto books

There is no way to select the Japan Foundation‘s Marugoto books when setting up the app. These books are increasingly popular, so it would be good to have that option. (Is this, i.e. not being able to select a book, the reason why my kanji count is at zero and cannot be changed to anything other than zero?)

3 replies

I hadn't heard of this book, but I'll see if I can find a publicly-available dataset somewhere.


Is this [..] the reason why my kanji count is at zero and cannot be changed to anything other than zero?

That sounds like a bug.  In the initial startup wizard, there should be a slider and arrows that allow you to choose how many kanji you know.

Could you give me more info on what exactly you're seeing? Maybe a screenshot?

I wasn't able to find any vocab list for this textbook.  Sorry!

Good news! I made friends with someone who has copies of these books. I was able to transcribe the kanji in the first few books, which will be available in v0.20