
Select how many New Kanji to Learn in a day (separate from reviews)

Currently the kanji amount is shared between reviews and new kanji to learn so if you can't use the app everyday you're absolutely bogged down by hundreds of reviews of kanji before you're ever able to introduce new ones. It would be nice to be able to mix them slowly with reviews even if you have a bunch to review.

I don't want to bury them because they might no be THAT solid  in my memory but having to go through massive amounts of reviews every time I want to learn a new one makes it really inviable for practical learning / someone on a test deadline / people who learn at quicker paces.

This flaw kinda encourages me to try to learn 60 new kanji whenever I finally get through with the review backlog (which is ridiculously high I know, I'd be fine with only 3 a day or something), and that's only because having to write hundreds of characters just so I'm able to add a COUPLE of new ones is just awful.

I understand the app was designed to introduce them slowly but people are different and learn differently so pleeeese please give us the option to control our own pace a little better. :(

2 replies

In not the next update but the one to follow, I plan on redoing how lessons work. It will work similar to this.

Added in v0.24