Frequently Asked Questions

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    Introducing hiragana/katakana by similar sound groups

    E. C. · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    Hello there,

    Is there anyway I can adjust the "Study" function so that it teaches me one hiragana/katakana "sound group at a time"?

    For instance: learning "ka, ki, ku, ke, ko" and practicing those instead of getting 6-9 new letters at a time?


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    Question about the algorithm's difficulty factor

    Saraph · 1 · Last reply by BlueRaja

    I saw your blog post describing the algorithm used in this app and I wonder about this difficulty factor. In Anki there seemed to be the whole issue around "ease factor", so much that one of the most used addons modified this. It's an outdated issue with the new FSRS there though.

    So what I'd like to ask is, how does your current algorithm behave when you fail a review many times, then start being succesful again? Do the initial failures mean you're forever cursed with short review interval for that specific review, or will it fix itself? I see

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    Would you ever consider adding Chinese?

    There is tons of great open source data out already, like and and given you already have Ringotan put together, I wonder if feeding this data in wouldn’t be fairly trivial. I can ALMOST replicate Ringotan-like function using this tool to pull from those resources into an Anki deck, but by default they're teaching hanzi by having you draw over the outlines instead of testing you on hanzi like Ringotan does with kanji. I spent a few hours trying to duct tape my way into a solitution, to mixed results. But even if I managed to get

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    Are there plans to make the app available in additional languages like German?

    ForboJack · 0 · Posted

    Love the app, but it would be far easier to learn Kanji, when I could see the translations in my native language. 

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    "put new kanji before review" option?

    Jae An · 0 · Posted

    Unsure if this is a bug, however I do not see this "put new kanji before review" anywhere in the app despite the play store page claiming it should exist.

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled it on a separate device yet I do not see this option there either.

    # Edit: It was hidden until a daily new kanji limit is set. It would be helpful to either grey this option out or something similar so that it can be easily found.

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    Custom definitions for kanji

    UJRKx · 0 · Posted

    Any plans on letting users add their own definitions for kanji? Or re-arranging the order of definitions?

    I thought it would be a good idea to learn kanji alongside new vocabulary, so I mostly use Custom Reviews for new kanji. For example, I recently learned 改札 (kaisatsu, or "ticket gate")

    Issue is, the definitions for 改 don't have kaisatsu, and 札 has kaisatsu as the 2nd definition.