
Add options/slider for timeframe between reviews (like other spaced repetition apps do)

Currently the time between reviews is way too slow to be fully functional for me, too much time elapses and I forget the kanji completely. We need a way to change the speed at which a kanji will come back for review to properly account for brains that function differently.

4 replies

The SRS algorithm already does this automatically on a per-kanji basis!

Specifically, the more you get a kanji wrong (during both learning and review) the more slowly the "time between reviews" will increase on a correct answer. Conversely, kanji you have an easy time with will increase very quickly.

If you keep getting a kanji wrong it will quickly start showing up in every review, until you still getting it right. This is why I don't think a slider would be useful, because this behavior will happen regardless. The minimum "time between reviews" possible is five minutes, so this is still true even if you review multiple times per day.

Other apps need a manual adjustment because they use older SRS algorithms that are not as good. SM2, for example, has a default minimum "time between reviews" of 3 days (!?)


I realise there is an automatic function but that is not what I am asking about as it just isn’t effective for me. I have ADHD, so my memory functions differently to a NT person. I only get like 7 reviews a day, which is crazy low. It would be a lot better for me if I could tweak the review frequency to be just a little higher so I am seeing the kanji more often and able to keep them in my working memory.

Alright I've added a "Review Frequency" option in v0.23


Just want to say that I LOVE the SRS algorithm Ringotan uses, especially since this change was implemented. “Frequent” is about right for me as well, and I plan to turn it up to "very frequent" once my reviews drop down further (I have the whole WaniKani set done with some extras).  I would love to know in more detail exactly how this change influences the algorithm, though? For example: what failing an item in a "very frequent" setting review does for it once changing the setting to "very infrequently," and vice versa.

IIRC it multiplies the time between reviews by a constant