
Allow customisable 'kanji per lesson'

I use a Anki deck to learn kanji in the KKLC order (thank you for adding that option!), and I use Ringotan to reinforce the kanji I have learned.

It would be useful to be able to customise the number of kanji per 'lesson', so that I can match the new cards of the Anki deck (e.g. 10 new Anki cards per day = 10 new kanji in a Ringotan lesson). I know a lot of people set their new card rate in Anki to 5, 10, or 20 per day.

I'm aware that I could do a 'normal' lesson size of 9 kanji, then add a tenth using a custom review. Or I could change my Anki deck so the new cards match Ringotan, rather than the other way around. But just an idea.

2 replies

After some significant thought, I've decided not to implement this feature. The app is intentionally built to introduce new cards slowly, with the number of cards introduced each day determined by how many cards are up for review.  Additionally, it's nearly impossible to import Anki decks, meaning the order in Ringotan is going to be different from what your order in Anki is anyways.

So for this use-case, you'll pretty much need to select which kanji you want to learn anyways, which you can already do from the "custom reviews" screen

Hmm, I think this is a good idea for the future.  In the meanwhile, you can go to custom review, filter on "Unlearned only", and select the first 10 items.