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If a kanji is partially learned, it should be given before any new kanji. However, currently it's giving new kanji first.
Ex. "Study" page should say "study" at the top, but says nothing
Presumably due to the scaling used by the drawing methods
Even if same question is failed twice in a row
Get a kanji to almost mastered, then restart the session and get it wrong. You'd expect the level to go down immediately, but it doesn't
And didn't get marked as complete
Example: お野さん is never final stage during reviews
Some are way too long, like 'are' or 'azuma'
Should go 2-6,1,7
Near the end they seem to be taking to long
As far as I can tell, there's nothing I can do to fix that :(
Maybe I should add a splash screen?
Need to do some profiling + optimization.