
Allow to choose between word prompts and intrinsic-meaning-of-kanji prompts

I would like an option to prompt the intrinsic meaning of the kanji instead of words it is part of. 'Intrinsic meaning' refers to the words shown after drawing a kanji at the bottom of the screen, i.e. 'study; learning; science' for 学 instead of 'university (2), school(1), student (1)'.

This would of course make the hiragana and audio parts of the prompt impossible/unnecassary. The idea behind this is to improve the support for the Remembering the Kanji approachwhere the stroke orders and meaning (more precisely a so-called key word) of the kanji are learned separately and pronunciation and combinations into words come later.

Another way achieving this, would be to allow to customize prompts [input a one-line string] for each kanji on its own (and allow to choose between the way the app works now and the user defined prompt).

I assume this would be difficult to implement, but I wanted to leave it here as a suggestion, since I chose to stop using this app until I start learning vocab. (I came to the conclusion that for me it is not beneficial to use this app while being in the kanji-learning phase of Remembering the Kanji)

In all other aspects I think the app is really great, though!

1 reply

Unfortunately there's a lot of kanji with the same "intrinsic meaning", so this idea doesn't work. That's also the reason the app defaults to showing multiple words at once.


Hi! I was looking to suggest this myself when I came across this post. Although multiple word prompts are shown, I often find myself connecting the given kanji to the first word only (often the one with audio), then unable to read or understand the kanji in any other context. Like op, I too thought a meaning prompt would be the solution. I see the problems with that now, yes, but would still really love to have the option of perhaps combining the two – showing meaning alongside word prompts, that is. Or something similar, where each kanji can still be uniquely identified based on the prompt. I just really wish there was a way to make the, if general, meaning a part of the kanji study and revision process.