
Lesson shows 0 review (of 4 total)

Hi! Thanks for Ringotan and for the recent update! I love it, and I recommend it a lot to fellow learners.

Somehow I got my Ringotan to not ever let me do reviews. It's showing "0 review (of 4 total)". But I don't get reviews, nor can I do reviews only.

Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 19.05.15.jpeg

I tried completing a lesson, and that didn't help either.

I can go to Custom Review and sort by Time to Next Review, and I do get things that are due Now. I can select them and review them, and the number of reviews goes down.

Any suggestions?

2 replies

Oh, wait, actually I know what's going on. This is intended behavior. You have 7 kanji "in progress" (not new), meaning you started to learn them and never finished.  Those take precedence over reviews.  If you start the lesson, you can either finish learning them, or choose "Mark as unknown" in the upper-right.


Ah! I reviewed my unlearned Kanji, learned most of them, marked a few as unknown, and my reviews are back! Thanks!

Would you mind exporting a backup (settings --> advanced --> export backup) and send it to BlueRaja.admin@gmail.com?