Option to see our FULL handwriting while drawing

I'm not sure if it's a bug but currently even with the snap feature disabled our own line is visually replaced at every stroke, rather than only when we go off the mark. Worst of all, after getting it correctly there's no way to compare our own full written character to what the correct one was (seeing an animation of the original vs your drawing can be quite eye opening).

So what's been happening is that some times I have the feeling I'm not being totally accurate but can't really tell because as soon as I lift my pencil my original line is gone (and it's super thin while drawing), and the snapping kinda encourages me to never really have to properly learn to stabilize things myself because the app is showing me a pretty image no matter what I do.

Even at the strictest setting you can really get carried away with not following the proper proportions for stroke lengths, and it's only when you go write the character freestyle somewhere else that you realize all the bad habits you picked up while never being aware of how haphazardous our writing truly was all along.

Sooo if having our own writing displayed as we write unless we go off the guidelines isn't a possibility, at the very least it would be nice to have a whole preview on the side of what you're actually doing behind the pretty snapped image, and a way to compare it to what it should have been at the end (since currently pressing the green checkmark only displays the last stroke - and very thinly too)