
Ringotan main screen is not shown completely on a square screen

I have a phone with square screen. The initial screen with the tomato, and the study screen for reviews don't show completely. The study screen clearly cuts in half the 'review only' button, but for the tomato screen I'm guessing what is hidden is a custom study button, but I couldn't find a screenshot to compare

3 replies

Whoa, that's crazy. I've never heard of a square screen.

What brand/model is it? And do you know the resolution perchance?


Unihertz Titan

It's chinese

4.5 inch 1440 x 1440 pixels

Fixed (I think) in v0.24 by adding invisible scroll bars


It works!

And yes there are dozens of us!

Or so I've heard, I don't know anyone else with a square screen IRL :)



I'll check it when it updates on Google play