
Ministry of Education's list of kanjis (Grade 1 to 6)

I'd appreciate if the list from the Japanese education system could be added.

Full list here:


This is the list from the Ministry of Education, and my kids (attending Japanese hoshuko, in North America) could benifit from this.

I'm happy to format the list into a suitable format, if you could provide an example.

I can also group them into reasonable sublists (~10 per 'lesson').

3 replies

I originally had this as an option, but the ordering was 99% identical to the JLPT list (which goes further to include non-jouyou kanji as well) so I took it out. If that doesn't suffice I could put it back in though.

AFAIK the ordering of the kanji within a given school-year is not prescribed, so either way your children would need to lookup whatever kanji they were taught each week if they want to follow along with the school.


Thanks for the prompt response. I didn't realize JLPT is similar to what I was looking for, though I suppose it's not surprising since both are overseen by the same govt body.

My use case is strictly to use the app as a complement to the school curriculum (Gr 1-6 for now).

Regarding the ordering, if I understand correctly, there'd be 6 "lessons" and the first "lesson" (Grade 1) would contain 80 characters. I realize this probably doesn't really work with the SRS approach because there are too many to review in a single sitting. For our use case, it would mostly be used as an end-of-shool-year review.

tldr: I'd appreciate if it could be added back with each grade in its own "lesson". Again, I'm happy to help with formatting/filtering if I can.

Great app, and thanks!

Alright I've added this for v0.22