
Option to not show trace while drawing

I often find myself irritated and influenced by the traces that appear while drawing lines.

How about an option to not show the trace until the character has been fully drawn and the finger lifted from the screen?

That way it would be easer to tell if you really remembered how to draw the character.

4 replies


Now that I think about it again this might be problematic with kanji that have a lot of strokes.

Maybe an option like this would work better:

- while drawing only show the fine black line that is currently shown on errors instead of the perfect trace

- once the finger is lifted, draw the perfect trace line on screen

I've added this in v0.21. Thanks for the suggestion!


I've been thinking about this again.

Showing the correct stroke directly after lifting the finger doesn't solve the problem of being influenced by the paratial answer while drawing the kanji.

However, since Ringotan knows whether the stroke was correct or not it could just let the user continue to draw without displaying parts of the answer.

If he makes a wrong stroke, the correct answer could be displayed on top of the strokes the user actually made.

If the user enters the kanji correctly, the answer is displayed on top of his strokes once he lifts the finger after the last stroke.

What do you think about this idea?


Since the other post above won't be implemented for good reasons, I'd really love to try out if what I suggest above works well:

- while drawing only show the fine black line that is currently shown on errors instead of the perfect trace

- once the finger is lifted, draw the perfect trace line on screen

How much effort would it be to implement this?