Definition at top

Is there a way to have the definition shown at the top as a prompt before writing the Kanji instead of sample words with compound Kanji or conjugations?

I want to learn the primary definition before learning other ways the Kanji can be paired and used. 


6 replies


Thanks for the update, blueraja. I'd rather have a one-time, larger sum donation. I'll wait patiently and keep an eye out for updates. This is seriously the best kanji writing app. Good luck with the updates. 


Hopefully it's coming soon. It really has been the best method for me to remember the kanji. I just feel like I am associating words using the kanji instead of the meaning of the Kanji since the sample words are played as audio as the prompt.

I emailed support offering to fund this update. Maybe that could help. I'd rather give ringotan money than some of the other apps that are frankly trying waaaayyy to hard to do waaaayyy too much. 


Does anyone know another writing app that puts the definition first vs. sample words? I feel like this is starting to mess me up more and more by not learning definitions first.

If the developer is reading this, I'm happy to pay some $ for you to implement this. Just dm or email me. The app is exactly what I'm for with this one exception. @blueraja


I had the same issue when I reached chapter 22, with a lot of abstract concept kanji, pretty similar between them.
There are alternatives, but not free. Kanji Study paywall the Kanji AND the SRS system, for example. 35€ in total to do the same as ringotan. With some advantages (as full customization of what is shown) but also some things worse (the learning kanji system with less hints each time of ringotan is way better), so let's hope blueraja can do this small improvement of having the meaning before drawing (that would be even better if it allowed to set the RTK meanings, that sometimes differ from the default ones)

Hey Jim! I do have a Patreon here:
donators are able to vote on features for the next update.

However currently I am rewriting the entire app in MAUI (Xamarin, the framework I was using, is no longer supported by Microsoft -_-) so the next update is going to take a while.


Yes! This is exactly what I'm doing. It makes more sense to me to have the definition first and examples once the definition has been fully learned. 

Having the definition at the top would make this an awesome pairing for RTK. 


Yep, specially for people that uses Ringotan as a writing support for Remembering the Kanji, the example words are nothing related to the main definition of the kanji, most of the mistakes is because we're confusing what kanji is aked.

Good suggestion! I will try to implement this eventually.