
Is it or will it be possible to reduce or cap the number of reviews per day?

Thank you for this app, I find it a really nice complement to my Kanji learning routine :)

Anki allows to cap daily reviews, are there any plans to allow ringotan to do the same?

1 reply

It already supports that, but in a better way!

Overdue reviews are grouped into lessons (of 15-50 reviews, depending on how hard the reviews are, and what your "Kanji per lesson" setting is set to).  You are free to do a single lesson per day, or do all of the overdue reviews, or anything in-between. No matter what your study habits are, the SRS algorithm will correctly handle it and give you the most important reviews in your following session.

If you're finding that a single lesson has too many reviews, you can lower the "Kanji per lesson" setting in the options.