[iOS] restart non-custom reviews
Is there any way to restart reviewing once the review screen has been left (not custom reviews, normal reviews)?
Is there any way to restart reviewing once the review screen has been left (not custom reviews, normal reviews)?
Oh, you're asking why the initial lesson introduces new characters immediately, rather than showing reviews?
This is intentional, to show off the features of the app to new users. I actually originally had the app start out reviewing known characters, and kept getting feedback like "the app should gradually give fewer and fewer hints until you can draw the character without hints". It already does that, but users weren't aware!
When you tell the app you already know certain characters in the intro wizard, it introduces reviews for those characters gradually over the next few days/weeks/months (depending on how many there are), so that you're not overwhelmed with 100's of reviews for known characters at once.
It seems this only happens on the initial day of using Ringotan when you say that you know Kana but need practice.
Today a "Review Only" button appeared within the "Begin Lesson" screen.